Ledger Stone | Natural Ledgestone | Ledge Stone Veneer | Jagson India

Ledge Stone

Ledge Stone Veneer Supplier in India

Amazing Collection of Indian Ledge Stone

Thin Cut Ledge Stone, Now More Natural

Jagson India’s Ledgestone Veneer

We have our beautiful and exclusive collection of Ledgestone Veneer which you would love to buy because of below features:

1.Quick installation process instead of traditional installation.

2.These can easily applied like tiles

3.Easy to handle during transportation, cutting and lying because these are very light weight.

4.No skilled mason is required.

5.Available in attractive colors.

6.Eco-friendly product.

7.Unique designs from each other.

8.Amazing finish.

These panels are made of 100% natural thin pieces of stones with the beautiful color collection. Their cement backer allows the size and shape of each piece more natural. Ledgestone veneer is best for residential and commercial projects for indoor and outdoor applications.